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  3. Warehouse Install & Integration

Royal Mail Click & Drop printing integration - Chrome extension

We support printing on the Royal Mail Click & Drop app via our Chrome extension

See the introductory guide on how to download and install this in your web browser.


After installing the extension, pin it to your bookmarks bar then click the Penny Black logo icon to load the options.

  • Choose Royal Mail - Click & Drop as your Fulfilment system.
  • You’ll be working in Live mode.
  • We will provide you with an API Key.
  • Add your merchant fulfilment ID which you can get and change from the merchant app Settings page.
  • Enter your print location name for this workbench. This will either be provided by us or configured by you in the merchant app. If you are using multiple printers then these will be different for each web browser running the extension. This routes the prints for this bench to the correct printer. 
  • The Channel reference number determines which column the order number is in on the Click&Drop orders page. These columns can be reordered, and if you have moved this column from its default position you will need to change it here. The default is 2:


From the main Orders page, once the extension is installed and configured you should see the pink Penny Black print button in the top right corner:

To print orders simply use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the table to select the orders you want to print and click the Print button.

An overlay in the bottom-right corner will inform you of the printing progress:

Triggering these prints will not impact the order status or other activities within Click & Drop, these are completely separate. We therefore suggest a sensible procedure:

  • Select the orders that you wish to ship
  • Print them first with Penny Black
  • Then complete your other shipping actions